Friday, 10 August 2012


Industrial Engineering

Assignment on Research Paper:-
Presented By: -
Roll NO. 56

Introduction and Motivation
Today's competitive market demands continued consideration of alternative designs to improve quality, economy, and safety, for the commercial success of any product, big or small. Motivated by this challenge, this project aims to improve upon the design of one of the most common pieces of stationery-a stapler. Typically, a stapler is comprised of at least four separate rigid parts and a spring assembled together to serve the various sub functions. In general, designing a product with fewer components, and eliminating the component assembly results in a decrease of its production cost considerably. In order to economize the cost of production of a stapler, we present a novel design for a stapler that consists of only one component and performs as good as a conventional stapler. In the design proposed, the desired functionality is achieved entirely through the compliance, i.e., elastic deformation in a suitably shaped, single piece of flexible material. This feature accounts for the use of the word compliant stapler to describe the new design which falls under the class of compliant mechanisms. The principal advantage of this new design is an enormous savings in its manufacturing cost besides light weight and aesthetic looks.

The Concept of a Compliant Mechanism
A compliant mechanism represents a class of mechanical systems that gain all or part of their mobility from the relative mobility of deformable elements in their design, as opposed to only the rigid body members [Midha1992]. Significant advantages offered by a compliant mechanism, such as need for fewer parts, less wear, friction, noise and  backlash due to clearances, make it a superior choice of design over a rigid-body mechanism performing similar functions for a given function in many cases. Researchers in the field of compliant mechanisms believe that this field is important, and is expected to continue to grow as materials with superior properties are developed.  This emerging concept of compliant mechanisms, especially the fully compliant, one-piece construction leads to a new design paradigm-Integrated Design for Eliminating Assembly, IDEA. The proposed design for a stapler serves as a good example of this concept.

The Design Approach
Due to lack of a systematic method, the design of compliant mechanisms continues to rely upon the intuition and experience of the designer. True to this statement, the creation of a compliant stapler too was largely a creative effort derived from the intuitive understanding of the rigid-body mechanism behavior and the elastic behavior of a continuum under specified loads and boundary conditions.
The design  of compliant  mechanisms  are obtained, generally, by suitably  replacing the rigid  joints and  rigid links by either a fully compliant  entity of material  or a structure with  discrete localized  compliant  segments. The first logical step in the design of such mechanisms, therefore, is to identify the basic sub functions and the parts of the mechanism that   accomplish those sub functions. The next step   would   be to conceptualize the distribution of compliance or the localized compliant segments which can perform similar sub functions. The final step in the design is to obtain the suitable dimensions for all of the segments of the compliant mechanism.  The next section presents the first two steps applied to the stapler design and the final design step is explained in the section following the next.

Functional Description and Conceptualization
The four main sub functions in a stapler can be identified as: (i) holding the staples securely in a slot,  (ii) loading and  unloading (if  necessary)  of the staples, (iii)  plunging a rigid member on to a staple and (iv) stapling (i.e., piercing a staple through  a stack of papers and folding back of its sides).At least four rigid parts and two springs accomplish these functions.
In order to meet the primary goal of this project-to design and fabricate a stapler out of a single piece-the design is conceptualized as a distributed compliant structure with a few discrete highly flexible segments. Although the design resembles a conventional stapler, it can be seen that the major ideas incorporated in the new design are: the two single-axis flexure hinges to serve the purpose of the rigid pin joint and a compliant curved beam to serve the purpose of the spring holding the staples. The flexure hinges are formed by circular cutouts on both sides of the blank to from necked-down sections as shown in figure. The compliant  curved-beam, whose one end is attached  to the middle  part and  the other connected  to a slider, remains almost flat with a large radius of curvature when  staples are  unloaded, and  bends  into  an arch  with  a smaller  radius of curvature when the staples are loaded.

Design Calculations
The dimensions for the new design were chosen to suit one of the standard sizes of the staples available in market. The important dimensions to be calculated were the cross­ sections of the flexural pivots and the compliant curved beam that serves as a spring.
The proper dimensions of these flexural pivots is critical because they must be long and thin enough to travel through the required angle of rotation without becoming over stressed and must also be thick enough to withstand the required amount of fatigue loading. In order to estimate the cross-section of the flexural pivot for the top portion, it was assumed to bend through an angle e in a circular arc of radius L under a force F required to staple through a few papers, which is applied at the end of the top portion.
e= Lid
where Lis the length of the stapler and dis  the distance through which the top part moves through to push a staple down. The force required for stapling was estimated to be about 50
N. The corresponding moment M on the flexural pivot will be:
M  = F x L
Using the values of moment and the angle of deflection, the arc radius R for the necking of the flexure was obtained by using the expressions derived by Paros and Weisbord [1965]:
¢          9nR112
M z ""2Ebt512
Adopting the following values for the design parameters (see Figure 3) t = 5 mm, b = 13 mm,
d = 37 mm, L = 115 mm, E = 700 MPa, R was computed to be 20 em.
The compliant curved beam was so dimensioned to have a spring constant equal to that of the linear spring used in a conventional stapler of an equivalent size. For the prototype size the required spring constant was estimated to be 0.5 NIem. The corresponding cross-section dimensions calculated using the formula in (Roark and Young, 1975) was determined to be 13 mm X 1 mm. The details are given in the Appendix. The  dimensions  of the  sharp  edge  that  pushes  staples  and  the  shape  of the indentation on the base were selected to suit the standard  size of staples chosen. All other dimensions of the stapler were selected to coordinate the motions of the edgeL and the staple stack for accomplishing the desired functionality of stapling, and also to enable the stapler fabrication out of a single-piece.

Manufacturability and the Prototype
The concept of one-piece IDEA results in a considerable decrease in its production cost when compared with the production cost of a rigid-body mechanism for similar function in several ways. It eliminates  the  need  for  manual  labor  or  automation equipment   in component assembly, reduces the inventory and the variety of manufacturing equipment required, decreases the amount  of material handling  involved, decreases  the number of manufacturing operations,  reduces  the overall  turn-out  time, and  maintains  a cleaner factory environment. The suitable manufacturing processes for such designs are molding, casting, extruding, and the like. 
The proposed design can be manufactured in a single stage by injection molding of a suitable plastic material. Injection molding process is suitable for a large scale production. The sharp edge and the forming base could be made of steel and used as inserts in the injection mold. However, for a prototype of the proposed design, it is economically not viable to make a mold. Hence, it was decided to fabricate a low-budget prototype by cutting process using a milling tool. 

Discussion and Closure
A novel one-piece design for a stapler has been presented. The new design is representative of compliant mechanisms, an emerging class of mechanisms which derive their mobility through elastic deformations in a flexible material as opposed to the rigid-body motion of the conventional mechanisms. The proposed design can be manufactured in a single stage by injection molding a suitable plastic material with appropriate properties. The new design with performance quality as good as a conventional one can result in a significant decrease in its production cost when produced on a mass scale. It also makes a stapler lighter and more amenable to improve upon ergonomic and aesthetic aspects than a conventional stapler. A proof of the concept prototype has been fabricated. Plate 3 shows a comparison of disassembled parts of a conventional stapler and the prototype of the one-piece compliant stapler. The conventional stapler shown in the Plate has 20 separate parts whereas the new design has only one part.

The authors would  like to thank  Professor Sridhar  Kota for his suggestions and encouragement, and Messers Steve Erskine, Tim Kuebler, and John Mears for their help in the machine shop.

Midha, A.., 1993, "Elastic Mechanisms", Modern Kinematics-Developments  in the last forty years, Ed. A. G. Erdman, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, pp. 422-428.
Paros and Weisbord, 1965, "How to Design Flexure Hinges," Machine Design, Nov. 25, p. 151. Roark, R. J. and Young, W. C., 1975, "Curved Beams", Formulas for Stress and Stain, McGraw­
Hill Book Company, pp. 239-247.

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